Sunday, January 31, 2010

More running than blogging -- not much of either

Hmm, there has been a tiny bit more running than blogging around here, but nothing to trumpet about. Weather, Theater, Work - I have let many things push their way to the front of the priority list. One of the messiest of these was a carbon Yeti-print of a day last weekend. Kid Kate needed to head back at the end of her 5-week winter break from college, which is a 12-hour drive from home. To keep her from having to tackle such a long trip alone, we drove together, leaving shortly after 5 am Sunday. We arrived at BWI Thurgood Marshall Airport in Baltimore at just about 6 pm, where I boarded the 8:10 Southwest flight back to Nashville. Long day, and of course no run.

I did get out on 1/23 for 5 miles, 1/26 with QMH for 3 and 1/28 for 5.5, and today with snow and ice on the ground, a treadmill session of 6 miles.

Meanwhile, here are a couple of interesting blogs I have encountered, both by North Carolina runners: Runner Dude, from Greensboro, a guy who's very busy and connected with many other runners and running sites; and Charlotte-area (I think) Old-Runner, whom I admire for trimming 40 lbs as he got serious about running in his mid-50s. I am still battling my winter urge to overeat, and mostly losing this week.

Now must begin a month of dedication and discipline, or the Tom King will be an ordeal.

The Countdown to Tom King 1/2 Marathon March 13
Days until TK Miles logged today Comments
40 6 an hour on the treadmill

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